No. |
Title |
Authors |
Type of publication |
Conf/Journal |
1 |
Do Nhu Quynh, Nguyen Hoa, Pham Van Hong |
Proceeding |
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Asian Shipping and Logistics (ICASL 2015) |
2 |
Vu Van Tuyen |
Proceeding |
Workshop on “Efficient Ship Design and Green Shipping” under the theme of UK-ASEAN Knowledge Partnership Programme |
3 |
Fabrication of Single-Crystal Silicon Nanowires Based on Surface Wet Adhesion. |
Hoang Manh Chu, Minh Van Nguyen, Hung Ngoc Vu, and Kazuhiro Hane |
Journal |
4 |
Introduction to a Fuel Continuuous Mixer for Marine Diesel Engine’ Application. |
Dang Van Uy, Nguyen Dai An, Tran The NAM |
Journal |
Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering, David Publishing Company |
Nguyen Huu Tuan |
Journal |
Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on (Volume:10 , Issue: 8 ) |
6 |
Modelling and robust trajectory following for offshore container crane systems |
Nguyen Dinh That |
Proceeding |
The 31st International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction and Mining (ISARC 2014) |
7 |
Nonlinear flatness-based controller for permanent magnet-excited synchronous motor |
Pham Tam Thanh, Nguyen Dinh That |
Proceeding |
8 |
Reducing frictional resistance by using air cavity under the vessel’s bottom |
Tran Ngoc Tu |
Proceeding |
Workshop on “Efficient Ship Design and Green Shipping” under the theme of UK-ASEAN Knowledge Partnership Programme |
9 |
Research the current situation of green supply chain and lessons for Vietnam supply chain |
Tran Thi Minh Trang; Vu Thi Thu Hang; Nguyen Viet Hoang Son |
Proceeding |
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Asian Shipping and Logistics (ICASL 2015) |
10 |
Le Anh Tuan, Soon-Geul Lee, Luong Cong Nho, Hoang Manh Cuong |
Journal |
Journal of Systems and Control Engineering March 17, 2015 0959651815573903 |
11 |
Reserve logistics operations in Vienam to support ASEAN region |
Nguyen Thi Le Hang, Nguyen Thi Nha Trang, Pham Thi Yen, Vu Le Huy |
Proceeding |
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Asian Shipping and Logistics (ICASL 2015) |
12 |
DSc.Trong Duc Nguyen 1, Yvan Duroc 2, Tan-Phu Vuong 3 |
Book Chapter |
13 |
Do Thi Mai Thom |
Proceeding |
ASEAN transport and logistics workshop |
14 |
Исследование нелинейных сил второго порядка на значений амлитуд поперечной качки |
Tran Ngoc Tu, Do Quang Khai |
Journal |
Международный союз ученых «Наука. Технология. Производство» № 4 (8) / 2015. ISSN 2340-3499. ./ |
15 |
О влияении обрезки концов лопастей гребного винта на пропульсивные ачества судна |
Nguyen Van Vo |
Journal |
Международный союз ученых «Наука. Технология. Производство |
16 |
Расчет напряженного состояния конструкций корпуса судна с широким раскрытием палубы |
Tran Ngoc Tu |
Journal |
Международный союз ученых «Наука. Технология. Производство» № 3 (7) / 2015. ISSN 2340-3499./ |
17 |
Экспресс-оценка основных характеристик навалочных судов по заданному дедвейту |
Tran Ngoc Tu, A.B. Bukshev |
Proceeding |
Международная научная конференция на океан инженерных изысканий и морской инфраструктуры в национальных общей университет Комсомольский-на-Амуре, Россия |
18 |
Design and Implementation of a Low Noise Block for Extended C-Band Earth Station |
Khanh Duy NGUYEN1 , Doai Van NGUYEN2 , Duc Trong NGUYEN3 , Luan Thanh VU1 and Yem Van VU1 |
Proceeding |
19 | Le Thanh Phuong, Charles Harvie, Amir Arjomandi | Proceeding | The 4th Global Business and Finance Research Conference | |
20 | Оценка триботехнических характеристик судовых малосернистых топлив | Nadezkin A.V., Lưu Quang Hiệu | Proceeding | Семинар по международной науки и техники "Фундаментальные исследования и океан инженерной инфраструктуры: теория, эксперимент, практика" |
21 | Разработка методики оценки влияния характеристик cудовых дистиллятных топлив на их смазывающую способность | Nadezkin A.V., Lưu Quang Hiệu | Proceeding | Журнал "научных вопросов сибирских и дальневосточных перевозок" |
22 | Экспериментальное моделирование влияния основных показателей судовых дистиллятных топлив на противоизносные свойства | Nadezkin A.V., Lưu Quang Hiệu | Proceeding | Журнал "морские технологии интеллектуальных" |
23 | Huu-Tuan Nguyen ; Fac. of Inf. Technol., Vietnam Maritime Univ., Ngo Quyen, Vietnam | Proceeding | Information and Computer Science (NICS), 2015 2nd National Foundation for Science and Technology Development Conference on | |
24 | Advanced sliding mode control of floating container cranes |
PhamVan Trieu, Hoang Manh Cuong, and Le Anh Tuan, Inst. of R&D, Vietnam Maritime Univ., Hai Phong, Vietnam |
Proceeding | Proceeding of the 16thAsian Pacific Vibration Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 24-26, 2015. |
25 | Combined controls of floating container cranes | Pham Van Trieu ; Inst. of R&D, Vietnam Maritime Univ., Hai Phong, Vietnam ; Le Anh Tuan | Proceeding | Control, Automation and Information Sciences (ICCAIS), 2015 International Conference on |