The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has prepared a quick reference guide to highlight the key obligations of ships' Masters, shipowners, ship operators and crews whilst transiting through the Great Barrier Reef and the Torres Strait. AMSA state that “the safety of shipping depends on all parties having detailed knowledge of, and complying with regulatory and other obligations and duties imposed on them in the circumstances.” AMSA has developed a dedicated webpage on this guide with links to detailed information, current marine notices and media releases on the following: •Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas •Coastal Pilotage •Queensland Coastal Passage Plan (QCPP) •REEFVTS (The Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait Vessel Traffic Service) •Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Designated Shipping Area •Defect and incident reporting •Disposal of garbage •Charts and publications •Fitness for duty •Port State Control. However, the webpage and quick guide does not contain all regulatory and other obligations and duties of vessel owners/operators, masters and crew.Members can gain direct access to this guide at: 3 UKHO publishes the 10th Edition of the ADMIRALTY Mariners Handbook Please find attached the UKHOs description of the latest issue of the Mariners Handbook. 4 Safety and Shipping Review 2015 A summary of the AGCS Review is attached, with access to the full report. 5 Report on MSC Meeting The Intermanager report on the recent Maritime Safety Committee meeting is attached 6 Newsletter Please find attached the newsletter for June.