From 31/10 to 11/03/2012, the 11thAsiaMaritime and Fisheries University Forum (11th AMFUF) was held at Shanghai Ocean University inLingang, Shanghai, China. The 11th AMFUF that was held by Korea Maritime University (KMU) with the hosted unit, the Shanghai Ocean University (SHOU), had the subject "Exchange, Cooperation and Mutual interests ".
As an official member of AMFUF, VIMARU had a delegationattend the 11th AMFUF:
- Ass. Prof. Nguyen Canh Son, VIMARU Vice – president, Head of the delegation
- Dr. Nguyen Thanh Son, Head of International Relations Deparment;
- Dr. Nguyen Kim Phuong, Vice - dean of Marine Sciences Deparment.
Inthe period of four days, VIMARU’s delegation participated in meetings and workshops focused on the following issues:
- Cooperation between universities, institutes and maritime fishing and shipping companies and seafood companies.
- The impact of global climate change on the safety of maritime activities and fishing.
- Requirements for vessels designed before the implementof conventions on the international maritime.
- Management quality of training for maritime transportation and fisheries.
- Development for maritime training and fishing.
In the workshop, Ass.Prof. Nguyen Canh Son and Dr. Nguyen Kim Phuongmade two presentations about Applying the Simulation System into Maritime Coaching and Training fortheseafarers at Maritime Universitys and Studying the phenomenon of auto-ship under perturbation of the wind.
In the 11th AMFUF, VIMARU had a meeting with Shanghai Ocean University to discuss cooperation in the future.