Damen Song Cam Engineering Internship program

Damen is an international shipyard group but, at heart, we are still a family company. We operate in every market where we see an opportunity to improve, innovate or invest.
We deliver tried and tested designs of competitively priced and innovative vessels. By building a wide variety of standard hulls for stock, we substantially reduce delivery times.
Because we are a globally operating company, we are never far away. Building strong business relationships, we always give our customers one single point of contact.
Damen Song Cam Shipyard is the latest addition to the Damen Shipyards Group. The yard is Damen’s first formal Joint Venture yard in Vietnam and will be the preferred production location for Damen tug and workboats up to 60 meters long.
Damen Song Cam has a great engineering department consisting of over 45 engineers. We always welcome students to work with Damen for a period of time to learn about Damen, and shipbuilding practices.
Internship 2018
At the start of the internship program at Damen Song Cam Shipyards (DSCS) the students will be introduced to Damen Song Cam, and get a safety instruction to be able to work at DSCS.
As well, the students will get an introduction to Damen Standards and Engineering processes.
After the introduction, every student will get a subject and a target to achieve within the internship period. This target is related to the discipline of the student.
In the first two weeks, the student needs to create a project plan, and a planning. All resources necessary to achieve his goal can be discussed with the student supervisor.
During the internship program the student has a weekly progress meeting with the supervisor and if necessary other attendees.
At the end, the student has to deliver a report and present his results.
The spoken and written language of the complete internship is English.
The selected subjects for the Damen Engineering 2018 Internship program are:












Yard Support




Electrical and Automation














Improvement the design of standard system modules

Damen uses as much as possible standardized modules in systems. Using modules makes it possible to produce the modules parallel to other activities. In the same time the efficiency of the production becomes higher. As well as the possibility to produce multiple modules for a series of vessels in advance.
The modules for the ASD 2813 and ASD 3212 are made but need to be improved.
(Bilge module, Fuel Oil module and Dirty Oil module).

Investigate with all different stakeholders how to improve these modules with as result a better concept design.



Improvement of engineering output to technical and production department

When building a ship, a lot of departments make use of the production drawings used by engineering. Engineering produces this with engineering knowledge.

Collect all feedback and make an proposal for improved output of engineering.
Investigate if the production drawings are good use for all departments.



Execute 5S on the engineering server

Damen Song Cam Shipyard has introduced the program 5S. This program is introduced to structure the layout of the office and every single desktop.
Engineering decided that next to a structurized desktop/office layout, it would be also useful to get a structure server layout.

Propose/improve together with the 5S key-user the server of the engineering department.
Create an instruction for production department to find their production information



Simplify searching Rules & Regulations

All engineering designs need to be built according to the class rules.
To find a rule, in the program of most used class society BV/Lloyds, will cost a lot time for the engineers.

Investigate and check per system code what are the common areas in the rules to search.
Make a sort of shortcut list.


YS/ Hull yard

Inventory of small foundations

Damen Song Cam build Standard Tug Boats. The supply chain of these boats needs to be fully standardized. Every space/section contains a list of hot works like foundations to be done.

Investigate which foundations are made on board and not contained in the engineering package.
Making list of equipment and the foundations per section/ space.
Create 2D production drawings if they not exist yet for all small foundations for electrical and hydraulical equipment on board of the ASD 2811 and ASD 2813.



Improve hydraulic supports and support foundations

Damen Song Cam has hydraulic systems aboard their tugboats. The supports are made on a conventional way. The foundations of the supports are created and designed by the shipyard. If engineering has better supporting methods, the production of foundations could become more production friendly. Therefore it is necessary to review the hydraulic support instruction and look in the market what different ways of supporting there are.

Study the hydraulic piping instruction and the piping supports and foundations aboard the ASD 2811 and ASD 3212.
Study alternative supports in the market with Damen preferred suppliers.
Propose a new support instruction for hydraulic piping including alternative supports.



Instruction on use of sensors/ lever switches

Every ship contains a lot of sensors. For mechanical engineers it is not clear which sensor should be used where, and what are the requirements when locating a sensor.

Create a work/design instruction how to choose sensors and what are the specifications which needs to be defined. Make the list with all details (specifications, function, application) for the ships are built in DSCS.



Investigation of Electrical standard instruction cable trays production

A goal of Damen Song Cam is to execute all the hot works at the Hull yard. Find out why still hot works need to be done for cable trays at the outfitting yard.
It could be that drawings are wrong read or not used at all. For some reason it cannot be "one time right".

Investigate with hull yard supervisor and instruct, clear for all the details in cable tray instruction, explain and find the solution for any mismatch detail between standard drawing and real working condition (base on the cooperation with workshop).
Make the proposal drawing for the details if need. Report each mismatch point and solution.
Propose a new instruction drawing for cable trays



Create cable routing plan. ASD 2811

Damen Song Cam Electrical workshop creates the cable routing in the ship without any logical design. This causes a lot longer cables then necessary.
Create a cable routing plan to improve / shorten the length of the cable and to support the electrical workshop where to pull the cables.
As well this plan can be used as a roadmap of the electrical cables in the ship. (Cable address)

Cooperate with workshop to investigate the way they are doing the routing now, research onboard and make the proposal instruction for the cable address, cable way of each basic systems.
Crosscheck the routing with the output from E-plan



Create list of panel positions with their equipment

On board of the Tugboats, there is many equipment positioned according the general arrangements. The panels and cabinets for all equipment is often not mentioned and therefore also not positioned properly on board.
To improve the position of the panels, and to improve the accessibility on board a standard arrangement needs to be made for all panels per space.

Investigate in drawing, onboard, Damen Handbook, rule of Register, Client and make the list with the possible position of the electrical panels, equipment to be input for the arrangement job.


Hull yard

Improvement of engine room floors

The standard TUG boat engine room floors are made out of stantions which are placed around the piping in the engine room. This means that first all piping below the floor needs to be installed before it is known where the stantions can be positioned.

Investigate and make a proposal for the production of the engine room floor. Take into account the next target: Splitting up the engine room floor in a logical way taking into account different level/heights, size of the flooring plates and as less as possible corners in the floor.
Investigate which part could be attached to the foundation of the floor (pipes/foundations/supports) looking for the possibility to make floor skids.


SB/ hull yard /YS

Study/Create Panel sketch

There is possibility for a new technical way to build the ship (hot work) that using drawing " Panel Sketch" instead of "sheet drawing". There are the advantages and disadvantage of using " Panel Sketch" at the shipyard, and as consequence engineering needs to provide that kind of drawing or not.

Investigate advantage/disadvantage of using and providing "Panel Sketch" drawing at production and engineering. How a proper " Panel Sketch" drawing should look like (what kind of information needed in the " Panel Sketch drawing")?



Improve Insulation drawing/model to match the demands of practical and avoid the problem during outfitting period

Only 2D drawings (from DSGo and Supplier) being provided to shipyards. However, there are a lot of differences between 2D drawings and practical which cause a lot of issues at the late stage of production (such as: mismatch with R&R, cable trays, cable strips, piping systems, foundations, equipment...). DSCS engineering has limited knowledge and awareness about insulation, and cannot provide proper support / consultant on the related issue in time. When the issues come at the insulation stage, it is too late and cost a lot of time, money... to solve it.

Study about insulation on board, in compliance with R&R and specific shiptype. Then provide a tool / method/ template to assist people to monitor all the work which relate to the insulation. Recommend new update of insulation requirement if any in time to the people.



Create/improve Checklist to start an engineering project and the tool assist planning and monitoring projects

When start an engineering project / package, there are a lot of input. The quality of input impacts a lot to the quality and process of whole engineering stage. How to check the input to know: which input needed, when needed, input is good,…Besides, there is no record of all completed engineering project to take reference for similar project in the future.

Make a list of input with receiving time, quality... to sure that we have good quality input to run projects.
Make a tools from completed projects to assist people easier in planning and monitoring the future similar projects.